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Lovely Trending Spring Bouquet



Slightly larger that our standard size bouquet, this one will feature more (or more luxurious) blooms, handcrafted into a beautiful display by ourl florist. Inspired by the spring dawn it'll feature peach, dusky pink, lemon and cream tones plus dried flowers and foliage.

 The bouquet will be handcrafted by our local florist, we will use all our care and skill and make sure it arrives ready to wow.
 It might not look exactly like the pictures because each bouquet is bespoke, made by hand.
 It could feature buds, but they'll open up quickly.
 The packaging is all recyclable or biodegradable.
 It comes with a lovely handwritten card, our florist will add your message.
 It could feature lilies. If they're not a fan check out our bouquets without lilies or just let us know.



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